Here you will find details of our website maintenance services.
Your website is one of the most important assets in your business.
It’s vital that you keep it updated, protected and online so that you can serve your customers.
What is Website Maintenance?
Website maintenance can be divided into two parts:
Regularly checking your website for issues and mistakes, checking that security updates and patches/updates to the websites WordPress core, themes and plugins are made in a timely manner, backups of the website are in place (in case of disaster!) etc to ensure your website runs smoothly and protects from unwanted hackers!
The second part of website maintenance – is the act of updating, keeping it relevant to your customers and what you provide in your business, and expanding its expert content, to encourage continued traffic growth, strengthen your SEO and Google (search engine) rankings. This second aspect of website maintenance – improvement – we cover under the heading of Online Marketing.

Regular monitoring or maintenance of your website is a must for keeping your business running smoothly.
Your visitors and Google appreciate a website that is in good condition, updated regularly and is error-free – if the page they are looking for does not appear – they will look elsewhere – you do not want your visitors looking elsewhere!
If your visitors fill out a form, ask for a quote etc and you do not get that message – you will not appreciate that! Lost custom.
If you do not want to lose customers, you should ensure that your website is maintained properly,
What website maintenance tasks should be carried out?
How often these websites maintenance tasks should be carried out will vary depending upon the size and importance of your website – for a small personal blog – it can be on an ad hoc basis, if your income depends upon your website then more often!
- Update WordPress core files
- Update themes
- Update plugins
- Run a back up of your whole website
- Check all pages load without errors
- Check all forms are running correctly
- Check if there any broken links on your pages
- Check there are no 404 errors and that all pages can be found
- Check the speed of the website and make sure there is nothing slowing it down
- Test call to action buttons
- Update copyright year
- Check pages for relevancy
- Check domain registration is renewed
- Check the hosting is renewed
- Check to see if a revision in design is in order
Depending upon what the check reveals, the issues have to be resolved.

Why is website maintenance important?
Website maintenance should be a consistent part of your business, that requires awareness and organisation, and if not correctly carried out, it will cause some serious problems and setbacks to your potential growth and business health.
Businesses have a lot on their plate, particularly start-ups and smaller businesses where the owners wear many hats and are pulled in all directions – often at the same time.
They do not have time to worry about their websites and constantly check in to look for and resolve problems that may arise – to be honest, their time is better spent keeping those customers happy and outsource their website maintenance.
Wait for it – here comes the sales pitch……..
This is where JSP Web Design can help.
By hiring us to do your website maintenance you will:
- Hiring experts who will take care of the necessary tasks – we know what to look for and what to expect
- It allows you to concentrate on other areas of your business that needs your attention
- Outsourcing the work is cost-effective and the package provided will reflect the needs of your website.
So whether you have appointed us to design your new website or you have an existing website that is just sitting there, you should think about buying a JSP Web Design Website Maintenance Package.
Your website should be another one of your tools that is supporting and helping your business grow – it is a ‘living’ entity that deserves time and attention in order for it to fill its potential – if you have a garden it will not stay looking good without proper maintenance – it’s the same with your website.

How much does website maintenance cost?
We can provide you with a quote for your website maintenance package, the cost will vary depending upon a number of factors including:
- Type of website
- Is it a WordPress website, HTML or something else?
- Size of website – is it a few pages or hundreds?
- Is it highly customised?
- Is your website currently out of date?
What Do I Have To Do Next To Get A Quote For A Website Maintenance Package?
Essentially in order to provide you with a quote, we need to find out what position you (your website!) are in at the moment, and how best we can help you and formulate what the next best steps are.
Our website maintenance packages are based on a monthly fee based on our discovery call – there are no hourly rates or long term contracts – you are in control.
Click on the button below to contact us – send us an email with your contact telephone number and we will call you back or give us a call today – we would be delighted to talk to you and help.